Raw ReEvolution

Living well is living raw!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Stressful Week - Election Stuff & Why RAW Now

I am a precinct captain for Senator Barack Obama here in Austin. The past two weeks have been very hectic and tiring. I'm spent and tomorrow is the primacaucus. In Texas, we have a two-step process (no, that's not just a bad pun, but the truth). Voters can cast two votes for their candidate on the same day.

The primary voting takes place from 7am - 7pm. (Early voting was a possibility, which I did, from 2.19 - 2.29).

At 7.15 pm the polling locations for each precinct will host a caucus. The party platform for the city convention on March 29th will be decided as will the delegates for that convention and who those delegates will be supporting.

Texas, for the first time, in decades has a big say in the nominating process. It' s a real fight here and some of it has become ugly.

I am feeling stressed. I want people to see Obama the way I do. He's a man of integrity who says what he means and will do his best to change America. Change is not a bad thing. Hope is not a dirty word. His experience is quantitative and substantive. He's a tireless advocate of folks who don't usually get advocacy such as single parents, which I used to be, working families, which my husband and I are currently building and Americans who make their own way in this world without special interests and connections to open doors for them.

I would like to see this country become a meritocracy. With Obama we have the chance to fix some of the mistakes we've made and heal some of the ills we've caused.

These are big things for me personally and emotionally. I don't usually like to put myself out there like this and the risk makes me nervous. I am maturing, I guess.

I am also realizing that I have to live my life in line with my values. My values are to make the world better than I left it. That means less consumption, more awareness and being the change I wish to see in the world. (Thanks, Gandhi for the quote that inspires me to get out of bed each day!)

a RAW food diet will help me live the life and walk the walk so I don't have to just talk about it. I am doing it today. I am starting now. I can heal myself. I can transform. I have already.

I have to be an example to myself and others. I want an extraordinary life so I've decided what that entails and I'm now living it.


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